
I have a project that spans the divide between Maths and Music: The Relationship between Mathematics and Musical Temperament covering the origins of musical intonation and its basis in Mathematics.

Here are all my A-Level Music compositions. Now available for your listening, the quality of the recording depends on your sound card as the music is in Midi format.

♫ Allegro in D MajorN. Hearle3:10First composition for A-Level, a slightly weird string trio
♫ IntermezzoN. Hearle2:59Modern piano piece, improvised around a pedal note
♫ The Chimney SweeperN. Hearle4:28Slow song, based on a poem by William Blake
♫ MinuetN. Hearle4:33Piano minuet which should sound in the style of Haydn
♫ Prelude in AN. Hearle3:50An inside-out version of Bach’s first Prelude in D
♫ Purim SongN. Hearle2:32A very tedious little piece, please don’t listen to it

From 1999 – 2000, here are some piano pieces that I know or currently learning at the time.

♫ Praeludium 5 BWV 850/1, in D MajorJ.S. BachPrelude from the Well-Tempered Clavier
♫ Fuga BWV 5 BWV 850/2, in D MajorJ.S. BachFugue from the Well-Tempered Clavier
♫ Praeludium 2 BWV 871/1, in C MinorJ.S. BachPrelude from the Well-Tempered Clavier
♫ Praeludium 12 BWV 881/1 in F MinorJ.S. BachPrelude from the Well-Tempered Clavier
♫ Moderato Hob. XVI/36 in C sharp MinorHaydnThe lively first movement of the sonata 
♫ Grave Op. 13 in C Minor (Pathetique)BeethovenI enjoy playing the Rondo movement
♫ Romanze II in F sharp MajorSchumannMoving piece of music (high volume needed)
♫ Intermezzo in E, Op. 116, No. 6BrahmsIllustrates rich vocal lines within piano music

Below are two examples of some of my music coursework for A-Level. The first is a based on a two-part Suite in A minor for flute and strings by Telemann using the original figuring.

The second example shows three variations on a ground base originally written by Blow.