In my second year at university, I presented my project on Musical Temperament detailing on how the musical scale evolved over time. Since then, I have graduated with a Maths degree at Sussex University. Several further pieces of Maths coursework, including How to Plan and Build a Web Site and two statistics projects on two aspects of writing in newspapers are available for viewing in the Maths section. At college I studied Maths, Further Maths, Music and French at A Level, I am continuing my Maths at degree level at Sussex University.
Sketches, small paintings and a scissors-morph animation, from my GCSE days, can be found in the art page. I also took part in an interesting debate for English, it is on argues against the use of warfare, please take a look and then decide whether you are for or against the motion.
These are the radios which I have designed for a graphics project.
If you want to contact me about any of the past academic work and my later studies in Mathematics, please contact me.