Download Bay: Fonts

Download some of these cool fonts to use in your documents and designs. In the future this page will also contain previews of most of the fonts listed.

Name Description Size Downloads
Fonts Julius This will give you high-tech text, as used in many movies with computers 28KB 787
Fonts Final New Frontier The official Star Trek: TNG font 16KB 602
Fonts Copper Square faced serif font, good for headings 124KB 433
Fonts Hot Fonts Some of the best fonts from my computer 1.4MB 1,205
Fonts President Nice and cheerful, readable handwriting font 28KB 594
Fonts Handel Gothic Modern font, great for title designs 24KB 2,287
Fonts Symbol Greek alphabet and mathematical symbols if you don’t have it 48KB 346
Fonts Cool Fonts Cool core of fonts for your computer, worth checking 384KB 2,018
Fonts Symbols Complete Wingdings set, plus the Microsoft Webdings symbols 172KB 407
Fonts Kobab Chunky font, great for headings and simple publications 44KB 263
Fonts Trebuchet MS All round font available with Windows 98+ as seen throughout this site 152KB 231

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