Dune II Atreides
The Atreides are the House which is for peace, but they find warfare can be the only path to success.
To use Fremen effectively you need to build as many palaces as you can afford, generate Fremen as often as possible, and overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers of them. They are very useful for mapping out the enemy base, but as you can’t control their movement, it makes the mapping somewhat erratic. In the unpatched version, Rocket Turrets don’t fire on them, only vehicles that are being attacked. In the patched version (version available on this site) they are fired upon by rocket turrets.

Sonic Tank
Sonic Tanks are most effective against foot units, which they can destroy in two hits. They are also very useful against Rocket Turrets, provided you put the Game Speed to Fast/Fastest, as this is a bug which increases their range.

Mission summaries
Level | Objectives | Building and units available |
Level 1 | Obtain $1,000, Ordos units | Light Infantry and Trikes |
Level 2 | Obtain $2,700, Ordos base | Barracks and Light Factory with Quads |
Level 3 | Destroy Harkonnen | Barracks and Light Factory with Quads |
Level 4 | Destroy Harkonnen | Heavy Vehicle Factory and WOR with Combat Tanks and Troopers |
Level 5 | Destroy Ordos | Gun Turrets and Rocket Tanks |
Level 6 | Destroy Harkonnen | Rocket Turrets, Starport, High Tech Factory and Siege Tanks |
Level 7 | Destroy Two Ordos bases | House of IX with Sonic Tank and Ornithopter |
Level 8 | Destroy Ordos and Harkonnen | Palace with Fremen |
Level 9 | Destroy all enemy Houses | All technologies available |