Age of Empires
Age of Empires is one of my favourite Real Time strategy games when I was growing up. I contributed to the community with a few scenarios and a campaign.
Please have a look at a cool Age of Empires quiz and a much harder advanced quiz, before going anywhere else.
As you may have noticed the revamped appearance and features of the Microsoft Gaming Zone, you might have missed my Clan “Nahoo”, which can easily be found listed there.
I have designed Evil Eye and other cool multiplayer scenarios for Age of Empires and these can be downloaded and previewed in the Scenarios page. Aztec Empire Campaign has been released after loads of work, please download this and Attack of the Evil Eye and to play.

Rise of Rome continues from Age of Empires following the rise of the Roman empire. Visit the Age of Empires – Rise of Rome page for details.
The full demos of all versions of Age of Empires are available for you to download at the Download Bay.
Please view the Nahoo Games section for more information on other games! If you want Nahoo to help you setup your own Age of Empires fan-site, please get in touch.